Tuesday, January 20, 2015

"Raise the Millionaires tax"

Jan Schakowsky and Jerry Fiddler argue the helpfulness and importance of raising the taxes of millionaires/billionaires
G:  Assumption that audience understands the American economic system and how taxes function in society.
A;  References school and how improvements to it (as well as other sections of our society) can be made.
S:  Author argues that if we raise taxes for the rich, then America can be improved as the middle class expands and modifications to public facilities are made.
C:  Consequences of not taking action are that the top 1% will continue to have dominance over the wealth of the country and that the middle class will continue to shrink.
A:  Jan Schakowsky serves on the energy and commerce committee, and Jerry Fiddler Co-founded "Wind-river systems".  They also discussed he topic with wealthy individuals who agreed with them.
P:  The moral principal here is to create a better world.  The authors argue that by distributing wealth through taxes is the best method to obtain a better country.

Ensign January 2015: Follow the Prophets

President Monson discusses the importance of following the guidance of prophets

G:  Assumption that the audience consists of members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and that they understand religious topics.
A:  Provides his own experience regarding how his decision to abide by the advise of Harold B. Lee improved his life.
S:  If you want the light of heaven, inspiration, and a knowledge of God, then follow the prophets of God.
C:  Not hearkening to the words of the prophets will cause your life to not be as fruitful as it could have be.
A:  President Monson has had experience religiously... especially since he is the prophet of the church...
P:  President Monson believes that the listener/reader should believe in the vitality of listening to counsel from prophets.

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Response to the wrestling article

I found the article "Wrestling's Dirty Secrets" to be super interesting!  I thought the author did a fine job at establishing his point with personal stories as with the usage of Jeff Reese's story.  Along with this he gave examples of various methods of weight loss, describing them in the article as torture.  These were certainly strengths in the argument.  However, I would have preferred more statistics referring to this topic on a broad scale throughout the country.  Regardless, this was a convincing article.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Kill liberty for Safety?

The topic which I intend to write my optional editorial paper on is gun rights.  I feel that in the second amendment of the United States Constitution when it states: “the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed” it means that citizens have the privilege to own firearms.  I obviously don’t feel that they should have massive weapons with the ability to kill hundreds to thousands of individuals, but I certainly think that means of defense should be readily available to people.  This subject will have great amounts of information which I will be able to research if I need to.  I feel that this will be an excellent subject to write on, for not only will there be a fruitful search online if needed, but the Constitution supports me.  Of course, others find different interpretations of the Constitution in order to limit gun availability.  I understand that they do this in an attempt to limit the amount of firearms available to criminals, but will this really help?  I don’t believe so, because thinking logically upon it, someone who already has the intention to disobey the law by killing someone else will not simply say “Oh, there’s a law saying I need to turn in my gun… I’ll go do that”.  Instead of depriving criminals of weapons, this idea will instead take away firearms from law-abiding citizens.  Along with this, many of the guns which criminals possess are not registered, so the government attempting to obtain them through a law alone will be fruitless.  These are a few of the main points which I shall use in my optional editorial.  I will not do an enormous amount of research to the point where the assignment becomes a research paper, but I will instead find the facts that I may have forgotten in order to reinforce and strengthen the point which I am standing for.  My passion for liberty here in this wonderful country will drive my paper along.  As Benjamin Franklin once said “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Hello! Here lies a short introduction to your new friend!

Hey there!  Well, my name is Josh Holtry.  I graduated from my high school only a few weeks ago, so this is my first semester here at BYU.  I've lived in California nearly my entire life, so living in heritage halls here on campus has been an entirely new experience for me.

Throughout my life, I have loved sports.  I played soccer for my entire childhood, and then played my first year of high school.  Sophomore year I decided I would begin to play water polo and found out that I was good at it.  I earned the team MVP and district all-league awards for water polo during my last two years of high school. Along with water polo I tried swimming, but found out that it's not a fun sport at all, unfortunately.

Naturally, I am a fan of the Lord of the Rings series, and the most enjoyable series of novels which I have read are the Rangers Apprentice books (I understand that most probably have not and never will read those books).  What makes Lord of the Rings even more fun for me is that I have a cousin who knows pretty much everything there is to know about "Middle Earth".  Seriously, it's kind of crazy.

The only television show that I regularly watch is "The Walking Dead".  It is not only epic, but an excellent display of raw human emotions and actions when there is nothing to govern them.  After getting past the blood and whatnot, it can be viewed as a very deep show.  Some might argue this point against me, but bring it on!

My favorite film currently is entitled The Artist (either that, or It's a Wonderful Life).  The Artist is a modern day black and white film which is beautifully made and just yanks the emotion right out of you!  I highly suggest watching it.