Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Hello! Here lies a short introduction to your new friend!

Hey there!  Well, my name is Josh Holtry.  I graduated from my high school only a few weeks ago, so this is my first semester here at BYU.  I've lived in California nearly my entire life, so living in heritage halls here on campus has been an entirely new experience for me.

Throughout my life, I have loved sports.  I played soccer for my entire childhood, and then played my first year of high school.  Sophomore year I decided I would begin to play water polo and found out that I was good at it.  I earned the team MVP and district all-league awards for water polo during my last two years of high school. Along with water polo I tried swimming, but found out that it's not a fun sport at all, unfortunately.

Naturally, I am a fan of the Lord of the Rings series, and the most enjoyable series of novels which I have read are the Rangers Apprentice books (I understand that most probably have not and never will read those books).  What makes Lord of the Rings even more fun for me is that I have a cousin who knows pretty much everything there is to know about "Middle Earth".  Seriously, it's kind of crazy.

The only television show that I regularly watch is "The Walking Dead".  It is not only epic, but an excellent display of raw human emotions and actions when there is nothing to govern them.  After getting past the blood and whatnot, it can be viewed as a very deep show.  Some might argue this point against me, but bring it on!

My favorite film currently is entitled The Artist (either that, or It's a Wonderful Life).  The Artist is a modern day black and white film which is beautifully made and just yanks the emotion right out of you!  I highly suggest watching it.


  1. Kudos to you for playing water polo! That's a super tough sport.

  2. I am so with you, swimming sucks! And "The Artist" is a great movie.

  3. I am also an avid fan of LOTR, and my brother loved reading the Ranger Apprentice books, too.
