Tuesday, January 20, 2015

"Raise the Millionaires tax"

Jan Schakowsky and Jerry Fiddler argue the helpfulness and importance of raising the taxes of millionaires/billionaires
G:  Assumption that audience understands the American economic system and how taxes function in society.
A;  References school and how improvements to it (as well as other sections of our society) can be made.
S:  Author argues that if we raise taxes for the rich, then America can be improved as the middle class expands and modifications to public facilities are made.
C:  Consequences of not taking action are that the top 1% will continue to have dominance over the wealth of the country and that the middle class will continue to shrink.
A:  Jan Schakowsky serves on the energy and commerce committee, and Jerry Fiddler Co-founded "Wind-river systems".  They also discussed he topic with wealthy individuals who agreed with them.
P:  The moral principal here is to create a better world.  The authors argue that by distributing wealth through taxes is the best method to obtain a better country.

1 comment:

  1. Great analysis of GASCAP for the article! I would love to read this... since I don't really agree with outrageously taxing the rich
