Thursday, February 5, 2015

Opinion Editorial Reflection

I feel that my paper went fairly well.  While writing it, I made sure to use enough Logos to create a solid backbone for my argument.  I did this through citing sources with sturdy backgrounds and bringing professional opinions into my paper.  I worked to establish Pathos as I recounted a story of my own, and also as I brought up passionate points such as rights and liberty.  My Ethos mainly came from the professional sources which I cited, but also in the example that I gave through a personal story.  Generally, I did my best to recall the things which I have gained from past experiences as well as things learned in my current class to apply them to my essay.  I paid extra attention in the section of our supplemental guide that discussed how to format essays.  Another thing which I believe that I did well was going through my paper several times to edit it.  I believe this greatly increased the value of my opinion editorial.  One other process that I took the time to perform was acting on some of the revisions which my peers gave me.

Although I feel that I did well on this assignment, I probably could have improved it in a few ways.  For one thing, I feel like I could have planned out the general theme and structure of my opinion editorial better.  By this, I mean that my process as I began working was to form the general ideas of what I would write down, and then begin writing.  This is a decent process since it helps me to get my thoughts down on the paper, but I also feel that I could have been more effective if I had established main points in each paragraph, and then elaborated and filled in the gaps.  What I would do if I had to do the assignment again is create a more detailed plan for my paragraphs.  

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